Graduating from a University? What Now?

Thousands of university graduates will be descending upon the job market without any salable skills.  What are their alternatives?  The traditional path was either to go into teaching or to go on for further higher education.  While both are still viable options, a new tendency, as evidenced by the changing population of the students who enroll at South Coast College, is that attending a career college with a track record of placing these graduates in jobs that complement their degree majors is a very smart way to go.  It enables the graduate to use the academic knowledge attained from the college or university while applying it to a specific career.

The three major programs that South Coast College offers that complements various degrees are the following:

Medical Assistant

Alexandra Espinoza, RMA, Medical Assistant

If you have a degree in Health Science or in one of the many health majors, a 9-month program in Medical Assistant at South Coast College will help you gain the necessary hands-on skills to augment your resume.  A recent example is Alexandra Espinoza, who graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a degree in Health Science.  She enrolled at South Coast College, passed the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Examination,  and immediately upon completing her externship was hired at a medical facility to assist Dr. Hannah Vu.



Ming Armstrong
Advanced Degrees

If you have a degree or an advanced degree in any number of areas but have trouble finding a job, the Paralegal Program is a good place for you to gain skills that will help you enter the job market prepared for any number of positions.  As Thomas Lo,  Senior Deputy Public Defender in Orange County, who teaches in the Paralegal Program at night at South Coast College says, “South Coast College has a great Paralegal Program that provides students with the skills to go right to work in a legal environment.  We take externs from South Coast College who do a great job.”  Many of the graduates of the Paralegal Program at South Coast College were graduates of other universities before enrolling in South Coast College.  Ming Armstrong had a B.S. degree from Chang Chun University; a M.S. degree from China University of Political Science and Law, and an M.S. degree from the Open University of Hong Kong.  and Susan Hughes, an MBA from the University of Phoenix.  Both saw the Paralegal Program as a way to apply their skills to attaining a career or expanding into entrepreneurial activities.


Chapman University Graduate

Court Reporting


Court Reporting is a great choice for anyone who wishes an alternative to a master’s degree or doctorate because it provides the opportunity to have an above-average income potential.  Court reporting attracts people from a wide variety of career majors.  Daniel Byun, who recently graduated from Chapman University with a degree in Screen-writing, has completed the program and is preparing to take the qualifying examinations to go to the State test.

Jessie Frey Snipped
UC Berkeley Graduate

Jessie Frey, who recently graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Film Preservation; Kristina Tan, who graduated from UCLA with an English degree; and Leanne Nakanishi who graduated from UC Irvine with a B.A. in Psychology and a B.S. in Biology, have also completed the program and are preparing to take the November Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) Examination.

Kristina Tan Big Face
UCLA Graduate



UC Irivine Graduate


Veronica Parker, who is qualified to take the July CSR is a teacher at a military academy and holds an MA. degree.


What these people have in common is that they did their research and found out that the potential for advancement, high income, flexibility in scheduling, and opportunity for entrepreneurship exceeded the rewards available with the next level degree.

If you are like any of these people who have graduated or are graduating from a college or university and have not been successful in finding a satisfying career path, go to click GET INFO NOW, and see how you can put your education and background to use in a new career.





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South Coast College EVENT

South Coast College had a recent event captured on video by Spencer Sullivan.  The video entitled “South Coast College Event” is on youtube. This video

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President Jean Gonzalez - Nominated in OC Business Journal's Women In Business Awards
President Jean Gonzalez
Jean Gonzalez - President, Teacher, And Friend

When you attend an accredited institution, you are attending a school that has undergone a rigorous process that evaluates educational quality. It’s not easy to become or remain an accredited institution. The rules and regulations are strict, precise and designed to protect students. Here are some of the benefits:

A reliable indicator of quality.

Approved program of study.

Qualified instructors.

Recognition by employers nationwide.

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