South Coast College is fortunate to have alumni such as Alex Joko, CSR, RPR, CCRR, Federal Official Court Reporter visit the college impromptu and provide motivating, inspirational sessions. Alex had a day off from court because he was in the process of moving and took the time to schedule a noon break to speak to an assembly of students from theory through qualifying. The consensus of everyone present was that they enjoyed every moment of his presentation. Alex told everyone that court reporting is the greatest career. He was fortunate to discover the field. He said there is a place for everyone regardless of the type of lifestyle you wish.
Alex began his career in deposition reporting. He worked as a staff reporter for Kennedy Court Reporters and Barkley Reporters. While he was a deposition reporter, an agency asked whether he would be interested in taking a job in Japan for a month. The case involved a dispute between a Japanese company and a Korean company that was being arbitrated by an American arbitrator. He said it was the greatest experience of his life. It was his first opportunity to do realtime, and he had a 17 attorneys connect to his realtime. His advice to students and new reporters. Take every opportunity to do something new.
After working in deposition reporting for 3 and 1/2 years, he was hired by LA Superior Court where he worked in family law and had the opportunity of reporting a number of high-profile cases, including the Frankie Valle divorce and Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. He enjoyed his days at LA Superior reporting celebrity cases.
When the judge to whom he was assigned was appointed to Federal Court, he invited Alex to move to Federal Court with him. It was on the condition that he would become realtime certified. He agreed and went on to become a California Certified Realtime Reporter. South Coast College is proud of having a great reputation for producing realtime reporters.
Alex indicated that he enjoys working in Federal Court where he recently reported the Pharrell Williams, Robin Thick vs. Marvin Gaye trial. He shared his experience in being able to sit in on this precedent-setting case. He spoke about how lucrative reporting in court can be and the shortage of court reporters. He indicated that the salaries of court reporters are public record, and you can check the court websites to see for yourself.
He reiterated that there is a place for everyone whatever your interests or lifestyle preferences you have. You have to explore your options when you become a court reporter, just as he did. Although he loved deposition reporting, he equally enjoys his job as a Federal Official Court Reporter. To read more about Alex Joko, click the link Alex Joko.