Congratulations to Frances Martel, RMA, the latest Medical Assistant from the South Coast College Medical Assistant Program, for passing the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Examination. Frances achieved an exceptionally high score on the examination. She is preparing to go out on externship along with her colleagues who will be going out into externships throughout Orange County. Thanks to Tom Sinski and Noe Huizar, the two Placement Coordinators for the Medical Assistant Program, they are all placed in externships of their choice. Although the Registered Medical Assistant Examination is not a requirement to be employed in the field in California, many of the Medical Assistant graduates at South Coast College study and take the examination. The Director of the Medical Programs, Dr. Khan, encourages all students to become Registered Medical Assistants. If you are interested in becoming a Registered Medical Assistant, like Frances Martel, and wish to learn more about the Medical Assistant Program at South Coast College, click Medical Assistant Program and GET INFO NOW!